Monthly Archives: August 2013

Zero Hour – S01E11 – The Hand

Yay, more code! If you split the view four ways and scroll each a little differently, it looks a lot more impressive. Source is:

They C++-ified the code (ie, cout instead of printf). See leftmost pane in screenshot:

   unsigned number1 = 960;

   printf("\nThe result of left shifting\n");
   printf("8 bit positions using the ");
   printf("left shift operator << is\n");
   displayBits(number1 << 8);

   printf("\nThe result of right shifting\n");
   printf("8 bit positions using the ");
   printf("right shift operator >> is\n");
   displayBits(number1 >> 8);
   return 0;

Screen Shot 2013-08-01 at 22.40.43